Tuesday 10 May 2011

interviews with "DEEP SIX" actors, Caryn & beth.

Interview with Caryn Meyer & Beth Carter starring in DEEP SIX

question four evidence of focus groups by caryn meyer

Here i have shown my
film two three teenagers that would be out perfect target
group age 15-20 .
The results are thats the age range from 15-20 are more appealed and drawn into our film.
However i did show my parents and my uncle and aunty who are all over the age of 30
and they found it capturing too.

Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7

Bethany Carter

question 4 who would be tthe audience for out media product?

well i had already made a post a few weeks ago about the different audiences that we could possible have. if you would like to scroll down our blog and look for the blog page that looks like the print screen below.

by caryn meyer

what have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

by caryn meyer

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To answer this question we showed our video to various teenagers, we then asked them to comment on what they thought made the film appealing to our age group. Here are three boys we asked who were all 16-17 years old.

Bethany Carter

Comment on the film
The first thing I noticed, when I watched Deep Six was the music. The continuous slow groove, gave me a quite depressing feeling, especially because the bass line reminded me of a beating heart. This music promises a definitely thrilling film. I really liked, that the film starts strait away; there is dead body within the first two minutes.
When the paramedic says ‘We have got another one’, I interpreted that there have to be more, dead bodies been found before. Some other films have an very long introduction, which usually puts me off watching them to the end. There might be a serial killer, how will be killing further victims, or who will at least threaten them. Over all, what I enjoyed most, was the scared impression in the face of the protagonist, and the colour change, which probably reflects her emotions. She has a hard decision to make either, to tell the police what she saw, even thought this would encourage the killer to kill her as well, or to keep silent which would affect that even more people would have to die, because the police has no evidences to bring the murder to prison.
I am quite interested in the whole film, to see which way she chooses to go.

alex voltz

by caryn meyer and bethany cater

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

(teenagers and young adults)

Here I have made a collage of pictures, they represent teenagers and young adults.

Bethany Carter